



You should apply as a first-year student if you have never enrolled at another college or university after graduating from high school. ladbrokes立博中文版 is the college of choice for first-year students who are looking for a traditional New England campus setting that offers world-class learning opportunities both inside the classroom and beyond.

The incoming class of 2026 is one of the largest and most diverse cohorts of first-year students in our 183 year history. 这门课包括超过1个,550 new first-year students from more than two dozen different states; 33 percent identify as students of color or multiracial background.


应用程序清单 | 入学标准 | 高级大学学分 | 录取类型 | 申请方法


10月. 1: FAFSA可在网上查询
11月. 15: 提前行动截止日期
2月. 15: 定期决定的优先截止日期
5月1日: 注册押金截止日期



要申请早期行动计划,你必须提交申请 到11月. 15. An official copy of your high school transcript(s) should follow shortly after so that a review of the application can occur.

Completed 提早行动 applicants are notified of the admission decision by mid-December. 申请人要么被录取, 或者是 decision is deferred and the application is reviewed again during the 常规的决定 process. First-year applicants offered admission during 提早行动 have until the May 1 Candidates Reply Date to respond to our offer.


秋季学期申请截止 2月. 15(优先截止日期).
2月6日之后提交的申请. 15个优先截止日期将在可用空间的基础上考虑. Notification of the admission decision on completed applications will be mailed within four weeks of completion and no later than 4月1日.

春季学期(1月)申请截止 11月. 1(优先截止日期). 11月11日之后提交的申请. 1个优先截止日期将在可用空间的基础上考虑.





你可以使用 BSU网上申请 或者是 常见的应用程序. 申请费是50美元,我们也接受申请费减免.

您可以通过向我们发送您的豁免表格来获得申请费减免 大学委员会 or NACAC,表明你的资格 常见的应用程序 or by having your school counselor request a waiver on your behalf with an email to the 本科招生办公室.


你应该让你的学校辅导员寄一份正式的成绩单 直接 从你的高中(s)使用以下三种选择之一:

  1. 电子(我.e. 航空、文件等.).
  2. 你的学校通过电子邮件发给你 admission@softlawinternationale.net; or
  3. 邮寄地址:普利茅斯街45号本科招生办公室.马萨诸塞州布里奇沃特02325



你可以 choose whether to submit standardized test scores (SAT/ACT) to be considered in the admission process. If you choose to submit scores, our 大学委员会/SAT code is 3517 and our ACT Code is 1900. 请参阅我们的 可选策略 在决定哪个选择对你来说是最好的选择之前.


你不需要给我们寄一篇论文来完成你的申请, 但是我们很想了解更多关于你的故事. 我们欢迎你选择任何主题的文章, 包括那些由通用申请建议的.


Interviews are optional and often beneficial to both you and our counseling staff as a way to gather additional information to make more informed decisions. 你可以 在网上注册面试 与招生顾问联系,他将审查你的申请.


You are not required to submit letters of recommendation to ready your application for review; however, 我们很欣赏他们,因为他们可以从另一个角度来看待你这个申请人.


在申请中披露学习障碍并提供相关文件(例如.g., an Individual Education Plan [IEP], 504 Plan or diagnostic testing) may waive some 州入学要求 and also ensures that admitted students who enroll will be provided seamless support by our 学生无障碍服务办公室.


BSU遵循 录取标准 由马萨诸塞州高等教育部提供. The most important factor in our admission decisions is your high school transcript. Research shows that your past performance in high school coursework is the most reliable indicator of your potential future academic success in college. The application check list cited above lists optional items that may provide us with a better sense of you beyond your grade point average and high school coursework.


The state admission standards require first-year applicants complete the following 17 college preparatory courses over their four years of high school to qualify for admission (see the 2019年参考指南 对于值得注意的例外).


主题 要求
英语 4课程
数学 4门课程(代数1) & II和几何或三角, or comparable coursework) including mathematics during the final year of high school
科学 3 courses (drawn from Natural Science and/or Physical Science and/or Technology/ Engineering), 包括3门带实验的课程
社会科学 2门课程(包括1门美国课程).S. 历史)
外语 2门课程(单一语言)
选修课 2门课程(以上科目或文科) & 人文或计算机科学)


First-year applicants completing these courses and earning a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of a 3.0(平均B)或更高的加权4.0刻度是可以接受的. GPAs are recalculated using just completed college preparatory courses and utilizing a weighted scale. 荣誉课程的权重为0.5分和额外的满(1)分.大学先修课程(AP)可得0分。, 双注册(DE)和/或国际文凭(IB).


一年级申请者 不见面 最小权重为3.0 GPA requirement may be eligible for admission using the “sliding scale” provided in the state standards. 浮动分数线可以让你更高的考试成绩弥补较低的平均绩点, 如果你选择参加标准化考试并把你的成绩发给我们.

加权平均绩点 SAT分数 行为得分
2.51 - 2.99 990 19
2.41 - 2.50 1030 20
2.31 - 2.40 1070 21
2.21 - 2.30 1110 22
2.11 - 2.20 1140 23
2.00 - 2.10 1180 24


申请者 不见面 the minimum weighted GPA or sliding scale requirements are still encouraged to apply to BSU. You will be considered for admission based on a careful reading of additional information you have provided to us in the optional materials that you have submitted (e.g. 论文、信件、面试等.).

The state admission standards explicitly indicate that an applicant with a recalculated high school GPA below 2.0(平均C)可能不被录取为一年级学生. 在这些情况下,欢迎申请人重新申请 转学生 一旦他们在另一个机构完成了大学学分.



BSU对大多数AP考试成绩达到3分或更高的学生授予大学学分. 你可以ladbrokes立博中文版我们的在线名单 AP考试等效性 看看这些学分在你的学位审核中是如何显示的. 获得信用, please request that the 大学委员会 sends official test scores 直接 to the BSU 本科招生办公室. BSU的大学理事会代码是3517.


BSU welcomes first-year applicants who have participated in an 国际学士学位 (IB) Diploma program to request college credit for IB Higher Level courses in which students have earned scores of four or higher. 请将正式的考试成绩发送到BSU本科招生办公室.


If you completed courses at a college or university that counted toward your high school diploma, 你可能有资格将这些学分转换成你在BSU的学位. Transfer credit is given only for courses above the 100-level in which you received a grade of C- or higher. Official college transcript(s) should be submitted to the BSU 本科招生办公室 to be formally evaluated for transferrable credit. 了解更多关于BSU双招生»


BSU awards academic credits that students may earn though the College Level Exam Program (CLEP) of the 大学委员会. Official score reports should be submitted to the 本科招生办公室 at the time of enrollment so they can be formally evaluated for credit. BSU的大学理事会代码是3517. 在BSU»了解更多关于CLEP的信息




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要创建您的帐户并启动您的应用程序,请单击apply now按钮!



ladbrokes立博中文版是通用申请的成员之一. If you have already started your Common App, you may simply add BSU to your list of schools! If you haven’t started your 常见的应用程序 yet, click the button below to get started.
